Passion Week Update

Yesterday was Passion Sunday, the first day of Passion Week. We have the greatest group of volunteers serving God by serving others. Many of God’s Transformation Montgomery ministers serve several at least once a week and some severe multiple days a week. This week there will be no serving opportunities at Garden Square. Passion Week has a lot tradition, I was raised in Orthodox Christianity beliefs and still hold to those beliefs as to how to celebrate Holy Week. One thing that was not part of the Christian tradition, but did evolved from the secular world was the traditional Easter Egg hunt that always occurred on Sunday afternoon after church. Times have changed. Our friends at Garden Square will be putting on a Easter egg hunt on Saturday before Easter. They will totally in-charge, they are taking full ownership and responsibility. It is wonderful to see the community take full ownership. Some our the regular Transformation Ministers will be present but will there only to socializing and take pictures.

We will be back to serving God on a regular basis the first week of April. We need to get 3509 Manley operational so that we will have a restroom facility at the Great Day Block Party.

On April 13th, Discovery SS, Bible Basic SS, Harbor Light SS and Frazer’s Men Ministry all have service projects at Garden Square on the River Region Great Day of Service. There will also be volunteers serving from other churches.

We will be announcing a new great serving opportunity in the Garden during May in conjunction with a national event.

See you at the serving place